Julia Galloway
A utilitarian potter, Julia Galloway’s work emphasizes beauty and function without sacrificing character. Her style alludes to human form and domestic architecture, with echoes of floral patterning and organic decoration. Though her creations initially display simplicity and quietness, her style has been noted for its complexity and audacity.
Julia has exhibited across the United States, Canada, and Asia. The Smithsonian Museum and the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia, among many other galleries, have featured her work in their collections. Ceramics Monthly, Studio Potter, Art and Perception, and Clay Times have all published her work.
Whether it’s making pottery, jurying exhibitions, studying cultural ceramics, or writing about pottery, Julia is fascinated by the field of the ceramic arts. As a professor at the University of Montana, she teaches ceramics, professional practices, and pedagogy. She continues to make pottery in her home studio.