Behrouz Azimian
Before coming to Alfred, Behrouz Azimian attended Iran University of Science Technology and Amirkabir University of Technology – Tehran Polytechnic. He focused in electrical engineering-power systems, but he also studied the planning and management of energy systems. He’s currently a graduate student at AU.
“The reason why I chose Alfred is because the electrical engineering program has been concentrating on renewable energies and power systems since 2015. The university offers great courses.”
Behrouz took the opportunity to become an adjunct professor during the 2017-18 semesters. He taught classes on engineering economy and computer aided design.
With the support of his advisor Dr. Xingwu Wang and funding from the Inamori School of Engineering, Behrouz has attended several conferences in his field. He presented a research paper at PMAPS 2018 (Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems), a meeting held by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Behrouz and his co-authors explored methods of using wind, solar, and biomass resources to strengthen Alfred’s community.